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It’s Hair Loss Awareness Month. Caring for your hair can mean healthier hair and a healthier you. Here are some steps you can do that don’t take a lot of time or money to do them.
We’ve heard the line, starting from the inside out. Well, this applies to just about anything when it comes to how we feel and how we look. Here’s what you can do to help maintain healthier hair while reducing the risk of hair loss, working from the inside out.
- Eat a healthy diet, rich in protein and vitamins and minerals. It may shocking to know that hair is primarily made of protein, so a diet rich in lean meat, eggs, and nuts is key. Iron, zinc, biotin and vitamins A, C, D, and E are nutrients that are vitally important for the health of our hair.
- Follow a gentle hair care routine- This includes not overwashing, as washing too frequently can strip it of it’s natural oils. Wash maybe twice a week or three if you must. Opt for milder shampoos that are sulfate free. Condition more regularly to keep your hair hydrated. A small amount of coconut oil helps to hydrate your hair and provide a nice sheen. You can do this as needed, but adding it to your ends is where coconut oil helps the most.
- Minimize heat exposure- This includes reducing the amount of hair dryer use, straighteners, curling and straightening irons, which can dry out your hair and weaken it in the process. Also limit the amount of use of dyes, relaxers, and perms, as these can damage your hair as well. Remember, any chemical that comes in contact with your skin, gets absorbed into the skin, so constant treatment can be harsh for the scalp. This includes sun exposure. While sun is good for the soul and for Vitamin D, ultraviolet rays can be damaging, especially during the hours between 10am and 2pm.
- Manage your stress. Stress can lead to hair loss, so while we encounter the stresses of every day, it’s important to incorporate relaxation techniques and activities. Try to do at least one thing for yourself that you love each day, and possibly incorporate things like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises into your routine.
- Care for the scalp. Just like a body massage can alleviate stress and help to relieve toxins, scalp massages stimulate the blood flow and promote hair growth. *Be careful not to have too many tight hairstyles, and be gentle with your hair when it’s wet. Try not to overbrush, as this can damage your hair too.
- Consider Supplementation- Just as we discussed caring for your hair from the inside out, if you’re not getting all the right nutrients in your daily diet, you can supplement with high quality supplements. Biotin is known to support hair growth.
- Minimize chemical damage including smoking and alcohol, as these can have a negative effect on your hair’s ability to properly grow. It can negatively affect the quality of your hair as well. Chlorine is another element that can be damaging. So, while swimming is highly encouraged, be careful with pools that have a high level of chlorine in them.
- Consult with a dermatologist if you’ve experienced a significant level of hair loss in a short period of time or drastic change in its condition. They might be able to determine the root cause for drastic changes in your hair and help with a treatment that helps. If you need to be paired with a dermatologist, give us a call. We can help you find one in your area that will be a good fit for your needs.
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