Herd Immunity

  The concept of herd immunity has been a growing part of the conversation around the COVID-19 pandemic. Herd immunity, simply put means — to control the spread of a disease throughout a population, if a certain percentage of a group of people — the so-called herd — is immune to a virus, then an…

LDN in the Forefront

    Low Dose Naltrexone or LDN has been life-changing for so many for a long time. This relatively low-cost opioid antagonist prescription drug continues to gain traction for its potential benefits in various conditions, especially those that impact the immune system and cause chronic pain and inflammation. (1)   Let’s have a closer look…

Optimizing Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

    While LDN has so many benefits to offer, you’ll want to set yourself up to get the most from it as possible. It is important to know that while supporting the immune system with LDN may be beneficial — it will not fix the underlying causes of most disease processes. This is where…

The 411 on Kidney Stones

    If you have ever had to pass a kidney stone, you will likely agree that they are on the top ten list of health conditions that can cause excruciating pain. And nephrolithiasis or kidney stone disease continues to rise in the US, affecting 1 in 11 people, with an estimated 600,000 Americans suffering…

Hormone Balancing – Why Saliva Testing?

    Saliva testing has been shown to be the most accurate measurement of the body’s availability of the hormones — cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, identifying the level of these hormones that are actually available to use at a cellular level instead of just the levels circulating in the blood stream seen in…

Why Boosting Our Immunity Should Be A Lifelong Goal

The immune system is precisely that – a system – and to function well, it requires balance.  There is still much that researchers don’t know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response.  But we are seeing more and more that the effects of lifestyle on the immune system are worth exploring further. The…