Compounding in the Kitchen

At first glance, it is likely that you would think that there is not much of a connection between a compounding pharmacy and the kitchen in your own home. But, if you really stop to think about it, they are maybe not so different after all. A compounding pharmacy is a specialized pharmacy that creates…


Ensuring Quality and Safety in Compounded Medications

Chances are, you have heard about compounded medications and compounding pharmacies. And for good reason. Obviously, each and every person is unique and different — and the way each of our bodies responds to medications is also different. For example, your body may react positively to a particular stimuli or drug, while someone else could…


4 Reasons Quality Matters in Compounded Medications for Pets

The American Pet Products Association estimates that between 70 and 80 million dogs and 74 and 96 million cats are currently owned by families in the United States. An approximate 37 to 47 percent of all American households have a dog, and 30 to 37 percent have a cat. And, as anyone who has ever…


4 Reasons Why Compounded Medications Take Longer Than Regular Prescriptions

Compounding pharmacies are quickly gaining popularity across the country. When it comes to their prescriptions, people are discovering the many benefits of using a compounding pharmacy.  Since the process of compounding prescriptions is much more involved than the filling of a typical prescription, it often takes longer for your prescriptions to be filled. While it…


What is a Compounding Pharmacy and Why Should I Use One?

  When it comes to our bodies, each of us is unique. Each individual reacts differently to similar situations or stimuli. Your body uniquely reacts to medications you may take for any illness, ailment, condition, or disease. You may have a positive reaction to a medication, while someone else has a negative reaction to that…


Importance of Flaxseed

  Flaxseed is a non-medical therapy for high blood pressure. A recent study showed that patients with peripheral arterial disease who ate 30 grams (two tablespoonsful) of flaxseed daily experienced a significant drop in blood pressure in six months. The benefit was most profound in patients who had hypertension; their systolic blood pressure dropped 15…


Sugar Addiction

  Here’s the not-so-sweet truth. We are killings ourselves by consuming truckloads of hidden sugar. Despite 40 years of Americans being brainwashed into thinking that fat is bad, it turns out it’s sugar, not fat, that makes you sick and overweight.   And here’s another shocking fact: Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine.…


Is Acetaminophen Safe? – by Dr. Brownstein

  Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is safe to use during pregnancy, right? Is it safe to take anytime you need pain relief or have a headache? I will show you that acetaminophen is a potentially dangerous drug. Most health care providers are not knowledgeable about what acetaminophen actually does in the body. If you go on the…
