Connections Between Mental Health & Our Weight

In recent statistics, approximately 73% of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Weight and our discontentment with our weight is something many of us struggle with, and it can be hard to disseminate between social pressures, cultural factors, psychological factors, the environment, and biological factors as well. The relationship between mental health and…

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy For You?

“We don’t treat patients. We work with health participants,” David Y. Wong, M.D., tells me, a pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine and the owner of the Health Integration Center, that opened in Torrance in 1978. His approach to health care is of no surprise, as their center offers a wide range of wellness…

The Connection Between Gut Health and Hormones

Have you been taking hormones, but are still experiencing post-menopausal symptoms like decreased libido, mood swings, anxiety or depression? It may seem counter intuitive, but you might want to take a look at your gut health. We sat down with Rita Wadhwani, Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist for over 15 years, who is now…

Hormone Balancing – Why Saliva Testing?

    Saliva testing has been shown to be the most accurate measurement of the body’s availability of the hormones — cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, identifying the level of these hormones that are actually available to use at a cellular level instead of just the levels circulating in the blood stream seen in…