
The following links are provided for informational purposes only.

LDN Research
Charity that works to raise funds for research trials

Is Your Memory Loss Caused by Insomnia?
Find out with our questionnaire

Pub Med
Research text and retrieval system

ZRT Laboratory
Convenient, accurate, and inexpensive saliva testing done in the comfort of your own home.  Kits in stock at Pacifica Compounding Pharmacy

International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP)
Legal issues affecting compounding

Women in Balance
Information about hormonal health

John Lee, MD
Information source on progesterone and hormone replacement therapy

Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA)
Compounding Pharmacy resource

Unique health and wellness resource.  Products available at Pacifica Compounding Pharmacy with fresh stock arriving daily

Pure Pharmaceuticals
High quality supplements. Products available at Pacifica Compounding Pharmacy with fresh stock arriving daily

Prolon FMD
ProLon® is a 5-day dietary program that nourishes your body while promoting rejuvenating changes, including supporting metabolic balance.  Kit in stock at Pacifica Compounding Pharmacy

BLDG Active
Personal health and recovery products created through clinically proven natural technologies.  Products available at Pacifica Compounding Pharmacy

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